Green Dragon Environmental Standard

Groundwork's Green Dragon

Below are links to some documents and guidance notes that you may find useful when implementing Green Dragon.

The Green Dragon Environmental Standard is awarded to organisations that can demonstrate effective environmental management and that are taking action to understand, monitor and control their impacts on the environment. It’s suitable for organisations of all sizes, in any industry, and is flexible in design, so you tailor it to your needs.

The Standard, which is structured into five ‘Levels’, allows organisations to gain a third-party certification that provides recognition of their environmental practices and demonstrates their commitments to sustainability, consideration of environmental impacts, compliance with legislation and environmental protection.

Benefits include:

  • Reduced business costs
  • Increased competitiveness
  • Compliance with legislation
  • Continuous improvement through a stepped approach to EMS

Groundwork is the only body able to certify your organisation to the Green Dragon Environmental Standard®.

Below are links to some documents and guidance notes that you may find useful:

For further information please call the Groundwork Wales Office on 01495 222065 or email