Feminista Film Festival & Tour

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Feminista!

Feminista Film Festival screens the most inspiring documentary films about women and girls from around the world and they are currently accepting bookings for March 2021 and beyond.


1. Feminista provides the films. Choose the 2021 Tour Package or they can create a bespoke programme.

2. Feminista provides digital marketing materials and tips for marketing your event.

3. You pay a fee and organise the screening according to your needs.

4. Q&As, introductory remarks and/or presentations may be be available. Just ask!


The 2021 Festival and Tour is a combination of live events and virtual screenings across the whole of the UK. There are six films in this year’s line-up, which is both F-Rated and diverse. You can find the programme yma.

To get involved, visit their wefan Canolfan Ffilm Cymru or email Laurie directly.