In the aftermath of World War Two, a small unit of British soldiers, led by Colonel John Pine, lay stranded on a remote part of the Russian border. As winter approached, and relations with their former allies grew increasingly tense, Pine’s men anxiously awaited rescue. Meanwhile, in London, the impoverished War Office received a secret proposal: a private corporation offered to assist with repatriations, in return for a simple task. Colonel Pine’s men were chosen as test subjects.
Director : Jack Jewers
Writer: Leo Brend, Jack Jewers
Producer: Unknown
Filming Location: Unknown
Cast: John Michie, Morgan Deare, James Staddon, Roger Moss, Bruno Loxton, William Findley, Richard Hards
Length: Unknown.
Language: English
Format: Check with rights holder
Cert: Un-certified
Date: 1st of August 2001
Rights / Contact: To be confirmed.