A Life With Slate


More than 90 % of Alampu’s Thami Indigenous people are involved in the local slate mine as slate miners, contractors, and porters. The film emphasizes their indigenous knowledge of slate production and distribution. The film followed a team in different social arenas, at home, in the village, at the mine, and on a slate carrying trip. The film includes technical details about slate production in the mountainside mine, and the slate is worked prior to distribution. The film also shows the social relationship and co-operation between the miners and the intimacy of the mining families.

Genre: Documentary

Production Details

Director: Dipesh Kharnel
Additional Production Team: Asami Saito

Technical Details

Length: 59 minutes
Language: English, Thami, Nepali
Certificate: Uncertified
Format: DVD, MOV/MP4


Dyddiad: 2006

  • RAI International Ethnographic Film Festival

Rights holder: Dipesh Kharel
Contact: khareldipesh2036@gmail.com
