In the valley of the Black Mountains, Aled must bury his father, and help his mother find peace. An outsider in a tight mining community, Bethan reveals what really happened the night Llewelyn died.
Secrets, revelations, control. The will of a father, fractured by the courage of a son.
Genre: Short, Thriller
Welsh Connections
Produced by: Matt Ashwell
Cast: Rhodri Miles, Huw Huckstep, Nia Trussler Jones, Judith Hayley, Penny Lamport, Iago Patrick Mcguire, Kenton Lloyd Morgan, The Monmouth Male Voice Choir
Locations: Gospel Pass, Black Mountains, Church of St Aeddan, Bettws Newydd.
Production Details
Director: Ben Hooton
Writer: Zack Zupke
Technical Details
Length: 18mins 43secs
Language: English
Certificate: PG
Format: DCP, MOV/MP4
Accessibility: English subtitles
Dyddiad: 2022
Rightsholders: Little Flame Films
Booking Contact: Ben Hooton