Off The Rails

© Journeyman Pictures
Gwylio’r Rhagddangosiad:
Mae gan y ffilm yma ragddangosiad i aelodau
Mewngofnodwch i wylio


Rikke Brewer and best friend Aiden Knox hone their spectacular UrbEx stunts and gravity-defying Parkour skills, hoping that millions of likes on social media will be their ticket out of boring Guildford. But the trauma of a close friend’s death triggers darker stories, of broken families and fragile mental health, threatening to send them both off the rails.

Genre: Documentary

Welsh Connections

Producers: Rob Alexander, Bizzy Day
Editor: Rob Alexander
Cyllid: Ffilm Cymru Wales
Lleoliad: Severn Bridge
Production Company: Perfect Motion Productions
Post Production Facilities: Flinch

Production Details

Director / Producer: Peter Day
Co- producer: Grant Keir

Technical Details

Length: 91 mins
Language: English
Certificate: 15
Format: MOV/MP4
Accessibility: English subtitles


Dyddiad: 19th August 2022



Rightsholder: Rob Alexander / Perfect Motion TV
Booking contact:
