
Gwylio’r Rhagddangosiad:
Mae gan y ffilm yma ragddangosiad i aelodau
Mewngofnodwch i wylio


The Ministry of Defence come under fire when village life under an RAF flight path in Wales is investigated.

Genre: Documentary

Welsh Connections

Filming locations: Rhosniegr, Anglesey
Story / Narrative: Story of Welsh citizens and their struggle with the RAF prescence on the island of Rhosneigr, and the impact of second homes and tourism in the area.

Other Key Production Details

Director: Catherine Yeats
Producer: Ben Kelvin / J Leon
Writer: Catherine Yeats & Ben Kelvin

Technical Details

Running time: 21 minutes 16 seconds
Language: Bilingual (English / Welsh)
Certificate: U
Format: DCP, MOV or MP4


Dyddiad: 2023
